Metalaren beste musikari bat hil da. Paul Grey, Slipknot-eko baxujolea.
Dirudienez droga sobredosi batengatik hil da.
Ea orain zer gertatzen den Slipknot-ekin, espero beste baxujole bat aurkitzea, nahiz eta Paul Grey-k Slipknot-en abesti asko idatzi.
According to the Des Moines Register, Urbandale, Iowa police are investigating the death of SLIPKNOT's bass guitarist at a local hotel.
Paul Dedrick Gray, 38, of Johnston was found dead at approximately 10:50 a.m. today by an employee at TownePlace Suites (pictured below), 8800 Northpark Drive, police said.
There was no evidence of foul play, police said.
According to KCCI.com, the Polk County Medical Examiner's Office is assisting in the death investigation and will perform an autopsy on Tuesday. Toxicology testing will be completed to determine if there were any contributing factors in the death of Gray, police said.
Witnesses reported that items from the hotel room were carried out of the hotel around 2 p.m.
Dirudienez droga sobredosi batengatik hil da.
Ea orain zer gertatzen den Slipknot-ekin, espero beste baxujole bat aurkitzea, nahiz eta Paul Grey-k Slipknot-en abesti asko idatzi.
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